Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


// boost heap
// Copyright (C) 2010 Tim Blechmann
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


/*! \file

#include <list>
#include <utility>

#include <boost/heap/detail/ordered_adaptor_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp>

namespace boost { namespace heap { namespace detail {

/* wrapper for a mutable heap container adaptors
 * this wrapper introduces an additional indirection. the heap is not constructed from objects,
 * but instead from std::list iterators. this way, the mutability is achieved
template < typename PriorityQueueType >
class priority_queue_mutable_wrapper
    typedef typename PriorityQueueType::value_type     value_type;
    typedef typename PriorityQueueType::size_type      size_type;
    typedef typename PriorityQueueType::value_compare  value_compare;
    typedef typename PriorityQueueType::allocator_type allocator_type;

    typedef typename PriorityQueueType::reference       reference;
    typedef typename PriorityQueueType::const_reference const_reference;
    typedef typename PriorityQueueType::pointer         pointer;
    typedef typename PriorityQueueType::const_pointer   const_pointer;
    static const bool                                   is_stable = PriorityQueueType::is_stable;

    typedef std::pair< value_type, size_type > node_type;

    typedef std::list< node_type, typename boost::allocator_rebind< allocator_type, node_type >::type > object_list;

    typedef typename object_list::iterator       list_iterator;
    typedef typename object_list::const_iterator const_list_iterator;

    template < typename Heap1, typename Heap2 >
    friend struct heap_merge_emulate;

    typedef typename PriorityQueueType::super_t::stability_counter_type stability_counter_type;

    stability_counter_type get_stability_count( void ) const
        return q_.get_stability_count();

    void set_stability_count( stability_counter_type new_count )
        q_.set_stability_count( new_count );

    struct index_updater
        template < typename It >
        static void run( It& it, size_type new_index )
            q_type::get_value( it )->second = new_index;

    struct handle_type
        value_type& operator*() const
            return iterator->first;

        handle_type( void )

        handle_type( handle_type const& rhs ) :
            iterator( rhs.iterator )

        bool operator==( handle_type const& rhs ) const
            return iterator == rhs.iterator;

        bool operator!=( handle_type const& rhs ) const
            return iterator != rhs.iterator;

        explicit handle_type( list_iterator const& it ) :
            iterator( it )

        list_iterator iterator;

        friend class priority_queue_mutable_wrapper;

    struct indirect_cmp : public value_compare
        indirect_cmp( value_compare const& cmp = value_compare() ) :
            value_compare( cmp )

        bool operator()( const_list_iterator const& lhs, const_list_iterator const& rhs ) const
            return value_compare::operator()( lhs->first, rhs->first );

        typename PriorityQueueType::template rebind< list_iterator, indirect_cmp, allocator_type, index_updater >::other

    q_type      q_;
    object_list objects;

    priority_queue_mutable_wrapper( value_compare const& cmp = value_compare() ) :
        q_( cmp )

    priority_queue_mutable_wrapper( priority_queue_mutable_wrapper const& rhs ) :
        q_( rhs.q_ ),
        objects( rhs.objects )
        for ( typename object_list::iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it )
            q_.push( it );

    priority_queue_mutable_wrapper& operator=( priority_queue_mutable_wrapper const& rhs )
        q_      = rhs.q_;
        objects = rhs.objects;
        for ( typename object_list::iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it )
            q_.push( it );
        return *this;

    priority_queue_mutable_wrapper( priority_queue_mutable_wrapper&& rhs ) :
        q_( std::move( rhs.q_ ) )
        /// FIXME: msvc seems to invalidate iterators when moving std::list
        std::swap( objects, rhs.objects );

    priority_queue_mutable_wrapper& operator=( priority_queue_mutable_wrapper&& rhs )
        q_ = std::move( rhs.q_ );
        std::swap( objects, rhs.objects );
        return *this;

    template < typename iterator_type >
    class iterator_base :
        public boost::iterator_adaptor< iterator_base< iterator_type >,
                                        value_type const,
                                        boost::bidirectional_traversal_tag >
        typedef boost::iterator_adaptor< iterator_base< iterator_type >,
                                         value_type const,
                                         boost::bidirectional_traversal_tag >

        friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
        friend class priority_queue_mutable_wrapper;

        iterator_base( void ) :
            super_t( 0 )

        template < typename T >
        explicit iterator_base( T const& it ) :
            super_t( it )

        value_type const& dereference() const
            return super_t::base()->first;

        iterator_type get_list_iterator() const
            return super_t::base_reference();

    typedef iterator_base< list_iterator >       iterator;
    typedef iterator_base< const_list_iterator > const_iterator;

    typedef typename object_list::difference_type difference_type;

    class ordered_iterator :
        public boost::iterator_adaptor< ordered_iterator, const_list_iterator, value_type const, boost::forward_traversal_tag >,
        typedef boost::iterator_adaptor< ordered_iterator, const_list_iterator, value_type const, boost::forward_traversal_tag >

        typedef const_list_iterator                          iterator;
        typedef typename q_type::ordered_iterator_dispatcher ordered_iterator_dispatcher;

        friend class boost::iterator_core_access;

        ordered_iterator( void ) :
            adaptor_type( 0 ),
            unvisited_nodes( indirect_cmp() ),
            q_( NULL )

        ordered_iterator( const priority_queue_mutable_wrapper* q, indirect_cmp const& cmp ) :
            adaptor_type( 0 ),
            unvisited_nodes( cmp ),
            q_( q )

        ordered_iterator( const_list_iterator it, const priority_queue_mutable_wrapper* q, indirect_cmp const& cmp ) :
            adaptor_type( it ),
            unvisited_nodes( cmp ),
            q_( q )
            if ( it != q->objects.end() )
                discover_nodes( it );

        bool operator!=( ordered_iterator const& rhs ) const
            return adaptor_type::base() != rhs.base();

        bool operator==( ordered_iterator const& rhs ) const
            return !operator!=( rhs );

        void increment( void )
            if ( unvisited_nodes.empty() )
                adaptor_type::base_reference() = q_->objects.end();
            else {
                iterator next =;
                discover_nodes( next );
                adaptor_type::base_reference() = next;

        value_type const& dereference() const
            return adaptor_type::base()->first;

        void discover_nodes( iterator current )
            size_type     current_index = current->second;
            const q_type* q             = &( q_->q_ );

            if ( ordered_iterator_dispatcher::is_leaf( q, current_index ) )

            std::pair< size_type, size_type > child_range
                = ordered_iterator_dispatcher::get_child_nodes( q, current_index );

            for ( size_type i = child_range.first; i <= child_range.second; ++i ) {
                typename q_type::internal_type const& internal_value_at_index
                    = ordered_iterator_dispatcher::get_internal_value( q, i );
                typename q_type::value_type const& value_at_index = q_->q_.get_value( internal_value_at_index );

                unvisited_nodes.push( value_at_index );

        std::priority_queue< iterator,
                             std::vector< iterator, typename boost::allocator_rebind< allocator_type, iterator >::type >,
                             indirect_cmp >
        const priority_queue_mutable_wrapper* q_;

    bool empty( void ) const
        return q_.empty();

    size_type size( void ) const
        return q_.size();

    size_type max_size( void ) const
        return objects.max_size();

    void clear( void )

    allocator_type get_allocator( void ) const
        return q_.get_allocator();

    void swap( priority_queue_mutable_wrapper& rhs )
        objects.swap( rhs.objects );
        q_.swap( rhs.q_ );

    const_reference top( void ) const
        BOOST_ASSERT( !empty() );

    handle_type push( value_type const& v )
        objects.push_front( std::make_pair( v, 0 ) );
        list_iterator ret = objects.begin();
        q_.push( ret );
        return handle_type( ret );

    template < class... Args >
    handle_type emplace( Args&&... args )
        objects.push_front( std::make_pair( std::forward< Args >( args )..., 0 ) );
        list_iterator ret = objects.begin();
        q_.push( ret );
        return handle_type( ret );

    void pop( void )
        BOOST_ASSERT( !empty() );
        list_iterator q_top =;
        objects.erase( q_top );

     * \b Effects: Assigns \c v to the element handled by \c handle & updates the priority queue.
     * \b Complexity: Logarithmic.
     * */
    void update( handle_type handle, const_reference v )
        list_iterator        it            = handle.iterator;
        value_type const&    current_value = it->first;
        value_compare const& cmp           = q_.value_comp();
        if ( cmp( v, current_value ) )
            decrease( handle, v );
            increase( handle, v );

     * \b Effects: Updates the heap after the element handled by \c handle has been changed.
     * \b Complexity: Logarithmic.
     * \b Note: If this is not called, after a handle has been updated, the behavior of the data structure is undefined!
     * */
    void update( handle_type handle )
        list_iterator it    = handle.iterator;
        size_type     index = it->second;
        q_.update( index );

     * \b Effects: Assigns \c v to the element handled by \c handle & updates the priority queue.
     * \b Complexity: Logarithmic.
     * \b Note: The new value is expected to be greater than the current one
     * */
    void increase( handle_type handle, const_reference v )
        BOOST_ASSERT( !value_compare()( v, handle.iterator->first ) );
        handle.iterator->first = v;
        increase( handle );

     * \b Effects: Updates the heap after the element handled by \c handle has been changed.
     * \b Complexity: Logarithmic.
     * \b Note: The new value is expected to be greater than the current one. If this is not called, after a handle has
     * been updated, the behavior of the data structure is undefined!
     * */
    void increase( handle_type handle )
        list_iterator it    = handle.iterator;
        size_type     index = it->second;
        q_.increase( index );

     * \b Effects: Assigns \c v to the element handled by \c handle & updates the priority queue.
     * \b Complexity: Logarithmic.
     * \b Note: The new value is expected to be less than the current one
     * */
    void decrease( handle_type handle, const_reference v )
        BOOST_ASSERT( !value_compare()( handle.iterator->first, v ) );
        handle.iterator->first = v;
        decrease( handle );

     * \b Effects: Updates the heap after the element handled by \c handle has been changed.
     * \b Complexity: Logarithmic.
     * \b Note: The new value is expected to be less than the current one. If this is not called, after a handle has
     * been updated, the behavior of the data structure is undefined!
     * */
    void decrease( handle_type handle )
        list_iterator it    = handle.iterator;
        size_type     index = it->second;
        q_.decrease( index );

     * \b Effects: Removes the element handled by \c handle from the priority_queue.
     * \b Complexity: Logarithmic.
     * */
    void erase( handle_type handle )
        list_iterator it    = handle.iterator;
        size_type     index = it->second;
        q_.erase( index );
        objects.erase( it );

    const_iterator begin( void ) const
        return const_iterator( objects.begin() );

    const_iterator end( void ) const
        return const_iterator( objects.end() );

    iterator begin( void )
        return iterator( objects.begin() );

    iterator end( void )
        return iterator( objects.end() );

    ordered_iterator ordered_begin( void ) const
        if ( !empty() )
            return ordered_iterator(, this, indirect_cmp( q_.value_comp() ) );
            return ordered_end();

    ordered_iterator ordered_end( void ) const
        return ordered_iterator( objects.end(), this, indirect_cmp( q_.value_comp() ) );

    static handle_type s_handle_from_iterator( iterator const& it )
        return handle_type( it.get_list_iterator() );

    value_compare const& value_comp( void ) const
        return q_.value_comp();

    void reserve( size_type element_count )
        q_.reserve( element_count );

}}}    // namespace boost::heap::detail