Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


// boost heap: helper classes for stable priority queues
// Copyright (C) 2010 Tim Blechmann
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


#include <limits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>

#include <boost/core/allocator_access.hpp>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp>
#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>

#include <boost/heap/heap_merge.hpp>
#include <boost/heap/policies.hpp>

#include <boost/type_traits/is_nothrow_move_assignable.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_nothrow_move_constructible.hpp>

namespace boost { namespace heap { namespace detail {

template < bool ConstantSize, class SizeType >
struct size_holder
    static const bool constant_time_size = ConstantSize;
    typedef SizeType  size_type;

    size_holder( void ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : size_( 0 )

    size_holder( size_holder&& rhs ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : size_( rhs.size_ )
        rhs.size_ = 0;

    size_holder( size_holder const& rhs ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : size_( rhs.size_ )

    size_holder& operator=( size_holder&& rhs ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        size_     = rhs.size_;
        rhs.size_ = 0;
        return *this;

    size_holder& operator=( size_holder const& rhs ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        size_ = rhs.size_;
        return *this;

    SizeType get_size() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return size_;

    void set_size( SizeType size ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        size_ = size;

    void decrement() BOOST_NOEXCEPT

    void increment() BOOST_NOEXCEPT

    void add( SizeType value ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        size_ += value;

    void sub( SizeType value ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        size_ -= value;

    void swap( size_holder& rhs ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        std::swap( size_, rhs.size_ );

    SizeType size_;

template < class SizeType >
struct size_holder< false, SizeType >
    static const bool constant_time_size = false;
    typedef SizeType  size_type;

    size_holder( void ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT

    size_holder( size_holder&& rhs ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT

    size_holder( size_holder const& rhs ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT

    size_holder& operator=( size_holder&& rhs ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return *this;

    size_holder& operator=( size_holder const& rhs ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return *this;

    size_type get_size() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return 0;

    void set_size( size_type ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT

    void decrement() BOOST_NOEXCEPT

    void increment() BOOST_NOEXCEPT

    void add( SizeType /*value*/ ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT

    void sub( SizeType /*value*/ ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT

    void swap( size_holder& /*rhs*/ ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT

// note: MSVC does not implement lookup correctly, we therefore have to place the Cmp object as member inside the
//       struct. of course, this prevents EBO and significantly reduces the readability of this code
template < typename T, typename Cmp, bool constant_time_size, typename StabilityCounterType = boost::uintmax_t, bool stable = false >
struct heap_base :
#ifndef BOOST_MSVC
    size_holder< constant_time_size, size_t >
    typedef StabilityCounterType                      stability_counter_type;
    typedef T                                         value_type;
    typedef T                                         internal_type;
    typedef size_holder< constant_time_size, size_t > size_holder_type;
    typedef Cmp                                       value_compare;
    typedef Cmp                                       internal_compare;
    static const bool                                 is_stable = stable;

    Cmp cmp_;

    heap_base( Cmp const& cmp = Cmp() ) :
#ifndef BOOST_MSVC
        Cmp( cmp )
        cmp_( cmp )

    heap_base( heap_base&& rhs ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT_IF( boost::is_nothrow_move_constructible< Cmp >::value ) :
#    ifndef BOOST_MSVC
        Cmp( std::move( static_cast< Cmp& >( rhs ) ) ),
#    endif
        size_holder_type( std::move( static_cast< size_holder_type& >( rhs ) ) )
#    ifdef BOOST_MSVC
        cmp_( std::move( rhs.cmp_ ) )
#    endif

    heap_base( heap_base const& rhs ) :
#    ifndef BOOST_MSVC
        Cmp( static_cast< Cmp const& >( rhs ) ),
#    endif
        size_holder_type( static_cast< size_holder_type const& >( rhs ) )
#    ifdef BOOST_MSVC
        cmp_( rhs.value_comp() )
#    endif

    heap_base& operator=( heap_base&& rhs ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT_IF( boost::is_nothrow_move_assignable< Cmp >::value )
        value_comp_ref().operator=( std::move( rhs.value_comp_ref() ) );
        size_holder_type::operator=( std::move( static_cast< size_holder_type& >( rhs ) ) );
        return *this;

    heap_base& operator=( heap_base const& rhs )
        value_comp_ref().operator=( rhs.value_comp() );
        size_holder_type::operator=( static_cast< size_holder_type const& >( rhs ) );
        return *this;

    bool operator()( internal_type const& lhs, internal_type const& rhs ) const
        return value_comp().operator()( lhs, rhs );

    internal_type make_node( T const& val )
        return val;

    T&& make_node( T&& val )
        return std::forward< T >( val );

    template < class... Args >
    internal_type make_node( Args&&... val )
        return internal_type( std::forward< Args >( val )... );

    static T& get_value( internal_type& val ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return val;

    static T const& get_value( internal_type const& val ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return val;

    Cmp const& value_comp( void ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
#ifndef BOOST_MSVC
        return *this;
        return cmp_;

    Cmp const& get_internal_cmp( void ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return value_comp();

    void swap( heap_base& rhs ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT_IF(
        boost::is_nothrow_move_constructible< Cmp >::value&& boost::is_nothrow_move_assignable< Cmp >::value )
        std::swap( value_comp_ref(), rhs.value_comp_ref() );
        size_holder< constant_time_size, size_t >::swap( rhs );

    stability_counter_type get_stability_count( void ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return 0;

    void set_stability_count( stability_counter_type ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT

    template < typename Heap1, typename Heap2 >
    friend struct heap_merge_emulate;

    Cmp& value_comp_ref( void )
#ifndef BOOST_MSVC
        return *this;
        return cmp_;

template < typename T, typename Cmp, bool constant_time_size, typename StabilityCounterType >
struct heap_base< T, Cmp, constant_time_size, StabilityCounterType, true > :
#ifndef BOOST_MSVC
    size_holder< constant_time_size, size_t >
    typedef StabilityCounterType stability_counter_type;
    typedef T                    value_type;

    struct internal_type
        template < class... Args >
        internal_type( stability_counter_type cnt, Args&&... args ) :
            first( std::forward< Args >( args )... ),
            second( cnt )

        internal_type( stability_counter_type const& cnt, T const& value ) :
            first( value ),
            second( cnt )

        T                      first;
        stability_counter_type second;

    typedef size_holder< constant_time_size, size_t > size_holder_type;
    typedef Cmp                                       value_compare;

    Cmp cmp_;

    heap_base( Cmp const& cmp = Cmp() ) :
#ifndef BOOST_MSVC
        Cmp( cmp ),
        cmp_( cmp ),
        counter_( 0 )

    heap_base( heap_base&& rhs ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT_IF( boost::is_nothrow_move_constructible< Cmp >::value ) :
#    ifndef BOOST_MSVC
        Cmp( std::move( static_cast< Cmp& >( rhs ) ) ),
#    else
        cmp_( std::move( rhs.cmp_ ) ),
#    endif
        size_holder_type( std::move( static_cast< size_holder_type& >( rhs ) ) ),
        counter_( rhs.counter_ )
        rhs.counter_ = 0;

    heap_base( heap_base const& rhs ) :
#    ifndef BOOST_MSVC
        Cmp( static_cast< Cmp const& >( rhs ) ),
#    else
        cmp_( rhs.value_comp() ),
#    endif
        size_holder_type( static_cast< size_holder_type const& >( rhs ) ),
        counter_( rhs.counter_ )

    heap_base& operator=( heap_base&& rhs ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT_IF( boost::is_nothrow_move_assignable< Cmp >::value )
        value_comp_ref().operator=( std::move( rhs.value_comp_ref() ) );
        size_holder_type::operator=( std::move( static_cast< size_holder_type& >( rhs ) ) );

        counter_     = rhs.counter_;
        rhs.counter_ = 0;
        return *this;

    heap_base& operator=( heap_base const& rhs )
        value_comp_ref().operator=( rhs.value_comp() );
        size_holder_type::operator=( static_cast< size_holder_type const& >( rhs ) );

        counter_ = rhs.counter_;
        return *this;

    bool operator()( internal_type const& lhs, internal_type const& rhs ) const
        return get_internal_cmp()( lhs, rhs );

    bool operator()( T const& lhs, T const& rhs ) const
        return value_comp()( lhs, rhs );

    internal_type make_node( T const& val )
        stability_counter_type count = ++counter_;
        if ( counter_ == ( std::numeric_limits< stability_counter_type >::max )() )
            BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( std::runtime_error( "boost::heap counter overflow" ) );
        return internal_type( count, val );

    template < class... Args >
    internal_type make_node( Args&&... args )
        stability_counter_type count = ++counter_;
        if ( counter_ == ( std::numeric_limits< stability_counter_type >::max )() )
            BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( std::runtime_error( "boost::heap counter overflow" ) );
        return internal_type( count, std::forward< Args >( args )... );

    static T& get_value( internal_type& val ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return val.first;

    static T const& get_value( internal_type const& val ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return val.first;

    Cmp const& value_comp( void ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
#ifndef BOOST_MSVC
        return *this;
        return cmp_;

    struct internal_compare : Cmp
        internal_compare( Cmp const& cmp = Cmp() ) :
            Cmp( cmp )

        bool operator()( internal_type const& lhs, internal_type const& rhs ) const
            if ( Cmp::operator()( lhs.first, rhs.first ) )
                return true;

            if ( Cmp::operator()( rhs.first, lhs.first ) )
                return false;

            return lhs.second > rhs.second;

    internal_compare get_internal_cmp( void ) const
        return internal_compare( value_comp() );

    void swap( heap_base& rhs ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT_IF(
        boost::is_nothrow_move_constructible< Cmp >::value&& boost::is_nothrow_move_assignable< Cmp >::value )
#ifndef BOOST_MSVC
        std::swap( static_cast< Cmp& >( *this ), static_cast< Cmp& >( rhs ) );
        std::swap( cmp_, rhs.cmp_ );
        std::swap( counter_, rhs.counter_ );
        size_holder< constant_time_size, size_t >::swap( rhs );

    stability_counter_type get_stability_count( void ) const
        return counter_;

    void set_stability_count( stability_counter_type new_count )
        counter_ = new_count;

    template < typename Heap1, typename Heap2 >
    friend struct heap_merge_emulate;

    Cmp& value_comp_ref( void ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
#ifndef BOOST_MSVC
        return *this;
        return cmp_;

    stability_counter_type counter_;

template < typename node_pointer, typename extractor, typename reference >
struct node_handle
    explicit node_handle( node_pointer n = 0 ) :
        node_( n )

    reference operator*() const
        return extractor::get_value( node_->value );

    bool operator==( node_handle const& rhs ) const
        return node_ == rhs.node_;

    bool operator!=( node_handle const& rhs ) const
        return node_ != rhs.node_;

    node_pointer node_;

template < typename value_type, typename internal_type, typename extractor >
struct value_extractor
    value_type const& operator()( internal_type const& data ) const
        return extractor::get_value( data );

template < typename T, typename ContainerIterator, typename Extractor >
class stable_heap_iterator :
    public boost::iterator_adaptor< stable_heap_iterator< T, ContainerIterator, Extractor >,
                                    T const,
                                    boost::random_access_traversal_tag >
    typedef boost::iterator_adaptor< stable_heap_iterator, ContainerIterator, T const, boost::random_access_traversal_tag >

    stable_heap_iterator( void ) :
        super_t( 0 )

    explicit stable_heap_iterator( ContainerIterator const& it ) :
        super_t( it )

    friend class boost::iterator_core_access;

    T const& dereference() const
        return Extractor::get_value( *super_t::base() );

template < typename T, typename Parspec, bool constant_time_size >
struct make_heap_base
    typedef typename parameter::binding< Parspec, tag::compare, std::less< T > >::type        compare_argument;
    typedef typename parameter::binding< Parspec, tag::allocator, std::allocator< T > >::type allocator_argument;
        typename parameter::binding< Parspec, tag::stability_counter_type, boost::uintmax_t >::type stability_counter_type;

    static const bool is_stable = extract_stable< Parspec >::value;

    typedef heap_base< T, compare_argument, constant_time_size, stability_counter_type, is_stable > type;

template < typename Alloc >
struct extract_allocator_types
    typedef typename boost::allocator_size_type< Alloc >::type       size_type;
    typedef typename boost::allocator_difference_type< Alloc >::type difference_type;
    typedef typename Alloc::value_type&                              reference;
    typedef typename Alloc::value_type const&                        const_reference;
    typedef typename boost::allocator_pointer< Alloc >::type         pointer;
    typedef typename boost::allocator_const_pointer< Alloc >::type   const_pointer;

}}}    // namespace boost::heap::detail