Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

Boost Version History

Version 1.87.0

December 12th, 2024 00:52 GMT

New Libraries: Updated Libraries:

Version 1.86.0

August 14th, 2024 16:07 GMT

Updated Libraries: accumulators interprocess atomic beast charconv cobalt compat container core crc filesystem format function gil graph interprocess intrusive json lexical_cast leaf locale log math multiprecision mysql odeint process stacktrace test unordered uuid wave winapi

Version 1.85.0

April 15th, 2024 17:38 GMT

New Libraries: Charconv, Scope. Updated Libraries: Asio, Atomic, Beast, Bimap, Bind, Conversion, Core, Filesystem, Function, Geometry, Iterator, JSON, LEAF, LexicalCast, Locale, Math, MSM, Multi-index, Multiprecision, MySQL, Odeint, PFR, Random, System, Stacktrace, STLInterfaces, Test, Unordered, Variant, Wave.

Version 1.84.0

December 13th, 2023 23:54 GMT

New Libraries: Cobalt, Redis. Updated Libraries: Any, Asio, Atomic, Beast, Chrono, ContainerHash, Conversion, Core, CRC, DLL, Endian, Filesystem, Geometry, Heap, JSON, LEAF, LexicalCast, Locale, Lockfree, Log, Math, Multi-index Containers, Multiprecision, MySQL, PFR, Predef, Random, Ratio, Stacktrace, System, Test, Thread, TypeIndex, TypeOf, Unordered, Variant, Wave.

Version 1.83.0

August 11th, 2023 16:23 GMT

New Libraries: Compat. Updated Libraries: Any, Atomic, Chrono, Compat, Core, DLL, Filesystem, Flyweight, Geometry, Iterator, JSON, Locale, Log, Math, Mp11, Multi-index Containers, Multiprecision, MySQL, Ratio, Test, Timer, Unordered, URL, UUID, Variant2. Updated Tools: Build.

Version 1.82.0

April 14th, 2023 03:08 GMT

New Libraries: Mysql. Updated Libraries: Any, Asio, Atomic, Beast, ContainerHash, Core, DLL, Filesystem, Geometry, Histogram, JSON, Locale, Math, MultiIndex, Multiprecision, Nowide, PFR, Process, Stacktrace, StaticString, Unordered, URL, Variant.

Version 1.81.0

December 14th, 2022 17:44 GMT

New Libraries: URL. Updated Libraries: Beast, ContainerHash, Core, Describe, DLL, Filesystem, Fusion, Geometry, Histogram, Iterator, JSON, LexicalCast, Locale, Nowide, Stacktrace, PFR, STLInterfaces, System, Unordered, Variant, Variant2.

Version 1.80.0

August 10th, 2022 21:25 GMT

Updated Libraries: Asio, Atomic, Filesystem, GIL, Histogram, Iterator, JSON, LEAF, Locale, Log, Math, Multiprecision, Multi-index Containers, Nowide, Optional, STLInterfaces, System, Unordered, Utility, Wave.

Version 1.79.0

April 13th, 2022 14:22 GMT

Updated Libraries: Asio, Assert, Atomic, Beast, Core, Describe, Filesystem, Geometry, Integer, IO, Iterator, JSON, Log, Multi-index Containers, Nowide, Optional, Predef, Smart Pointers, System, ThrowException, Unordered, Variant2, Wave, LEAF, QVM.

Version 1.78.0

December 8th, 2021 03:45 GMT

Updated Libraries: Asio, Assert, Atomic, Beast, Core, Describe, DLL, Filesystem, Geometry, JSON, Lambda2, Log, Math, MultiIndex, Multiprecision, Nowide, PFR, Predef, Regex, System, Utility, Variant2.

Version 1.77.0

August 11th, 2021 14:25 GMT

New Libraries: Describe, Lambda2. Updated Libraries: Any, Asio, Atomic, Beast, Conversion, Core, DLL, Filesystem, JSON, LexicalCast, Log, Mp11, MultiIndex, Nowide, PFR, PropertyTree, System, UUID.

Version 1.76.0

April 16th, 2021 21:05 GMT

Updated Libraries: Asio, Atomic, Beast, Bind, Container, Core, DLL, Filesystem, GIL, Intrusive, Interprocess, JSON, LexicalCast, Log, Math, Move, Multiprecision, Nowide, Optional, Outcome, Parameter, PFR, PolyCollection, Predef, PropertyTree, Regex, StackTrace, TypeTraits, Variant2.

Version 1.75.0

December 11th, 2020 19:50 GMT

New Libraries: JSON, LEAF, PFR. Updated Libraries: Asio, Atomic, Beast, Container, Endian, Filesystem, GIL, Histogram, Interprocess, Intrusive, Log, Move, Mp11, Optional, Outcome, Polygon, Preprocessor, Rational, Signal2, System, uBLAS, VMD, Wave.

Version 1.74.0

August 14th, 2020 05:02 GMT

New Libraries: STLInterfaces. Updated Libraries: Asio, Atomic, Beast, Bimap, Config, Core, DLL, Endian, Filesystem, Flyweight, Format, Geometry, GIL, Heap, Integer, Iterator, LexicalCast, Log, Mp11, MultiIndex, Nowide, Outcome, PolyCollection, Polygon, SmartPtr, Stacktrace, System, TypeTraits, Variant, Variant2, Wave, YAP.

Version 1.73.0

April 28th, 2020 03:57 GMT

New Libraries: Nowide, StaticString. Updated Libraries: Align, Any, Asio, Assert, Atomic, Beast, Context, Conversion, DateTime, DLL, DynamicBitset, Flyweight, Geometry, GIL, Histogram, ICL, IO, LexicalCast, Log, Math, Mp11, MultiIndex, Multiprecision, Outcome, PolyCollection, Stacktrace, Test, ThrowException, TTI, TypeIndex, Utility, Variant, Variant2, WinAPI.

Version 1.72.0

December 11th, 2019 18:06 GMT

Updated Libraries: Asio, Atomic, Beast, Circular Buffer, Context, Endian, Filesystem, Functional/Factory, GIL, Histogram, Log, MPI, Math, Multiprecision, Outcome, PolyCollection, Preprocessor, Smart Pointers, Test, VMD.

Version 1.71.0

August 19th, 2019 15:31 GMT

New Libraries: Variant2. Updated Libraries: Align, Any, Asio, Beast, CircularBuffer, Container, Context, Conversion, Core, DynamicBitset, Endian, Fiber, Filesystem, Flyweight, Histogram, Iostreams, Interprocess, Intrusive, LexicalCast, Log, Math, Metaparse, Move, MultiArray, MultiIndex, Outcome, Parameter, PtrContainer, PolyCollection, SmartPtr, Stacktrace, Test, Utility, Uuid, Variant, Yap.

Version 1.70.0

April 12th, 2019 06:04 GMT

New Libraries: Outcome, Histogram. Updated Libraries: Asio, Beast, Context, Coroutine2, Dll, DynamicBitset, Fiber, Filesystem, Integer, Log, Math, Mp11, MultiIndex, Multiprecision, Polycollection, Spirit, Stacktrace, Test, TypeIndex, TypeTraits, Variant, Ublas.

Version 1.69.0

December 12th, 2018 02:58 GMT

New Libraries: Safe Numerics. Updated Libraries: Any, Asio, Assign, Beast, CircularBuffer, Concept Check, Core, DLL, Dynamic Bitset, Fiber, Filesystem, Flyweight, Geometry, Integer, Iostreams, Iterator, LexicalCast, Log, Logic, Math, Mp11, MultiArray, Multi-index Containers, Multiprecision, PolyCollection, Pool, Preprocessor, Rational, Spirit, Stacktrace, System, Test, TypeIndex, Utility, Variant, YAP. Discontinued Libraries: Signals.

Version 1.68.0

August 9th, 2018 03:46 GMT

New Libraries: YAP. Updated Libraries: Beast, Context, Coroutine2, Fiber, Fusion, Geometry, GIL, Graph, Lexical Cast, Log, Math, Multiprecision, Optional, Predef, Program Options, Python, Rational, System, Signals, Spirit, Stacktrace, Test, TypeIndex, Uuid.

Version 1.67.0

April 14th, 2018 20:37 GMT

New Libraries: Contract, HOF. Updated Libraries: Asio, Atomic, Beast, Container Hash, Context, Core, Coroutine2, DateTime, DLL, Fiber, Filesystem, Fusion, Locale, Log, Math, Multi-index Containers, Multiprecision, Optional, Phoenix, PolyCollection, Python, Spirit, Stacktrace, Test, TypeIndex, TypeTraits, Unordered, Units, Uuid, Utility, Variant.

Version 1.66.0

December 18th, 2017 13:58 GMT

New Libraries: Beast, CallableTraits, Mp11. Updated Libraries: Asio, Atomic, DateTime, Fiber, Format, Fusion, Geometry, Iterator, Log, Multi-index Containers, Optional, PolyCollection, Predef, Stacktrace, Thread, Utility, Uuid, Variant.

Version 1.65.1

September 7th, 2017 17:31 GMT

Bug fixes: Config, Context, Fiber, Smart Pointers, Stacktrace, Thread

Version 1.65.0

August 21st, 2017 20:50 GMT

New Libraries: PolyCollection, Stacktrace. Removed Libraries: TR1. Updated Libraries: Asio, Context, Config, Core, Coroutine2, DLL, Fiber, Fusion, Geometry, Hash, Log, Phoenix, Predef, Program Options, Python, Smart Pointers, Test, Thread, TypeIndex, Typeof, Unordered, Utility, Variant.

Version 1.64.0

April 19th, 2017 17:42 GMT

New Library: Process. Updated Libraries: Any, Atomic, Config, Container, Context, Conversion, Core, Coroutine2, DLL, Fiber, Geometry, Hash, Interprocess, Intrusive, LexicalCast, Math, Multi-index Containers, Multiprecision, Predef, Regex, Smart Pointers, Test, TypeIndex, TypeTraits, Unordered, Variant.

Version 1.63.0

December 26th, 2016 23:43 GMT

Updated Libraries: Atomic, Container, Context, Fiber, Fusion, Geometry, Hash, Interprocess, Intrusive, LexicalCast, Log, Metaparse, Move, Optional, Phoenix, Python, Test, TypeIndex, Units, Unordered.

Version 1.62.0

September 28th, 2016 15:17 GMT

New Libraries: Fiber, QVM Updated Libraries: Chrono, Circular Buffer, Container, Context, Coroutine2, DLL, Functional/Forward, Geometry, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical Cast, Log, Math, Phoenix, Regex, Test, Thread, TypeIndex, Unordered, Variant.

Version 1.61.0

May 13th, 2016 02:58 GMT

New Libraries: Compute, DLL, Hana, Metaparse. Updated Libraries: Any, Container, Context, Coroutine, Coroutine2, Fusion, Geometry, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical Cast, Log, Move, Optional, Test, Variant.

Version 1.60.0

December 17th, 2015 15:52 GMT

New Libraries: VMD Updated Libraries: Atomic, Chrono, Container, Context, Core, Filesystem, Flyweight, Fusion, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical Cast, Locale, Log, Move, Multi-index Containers, odeint, Optional, Predef, Test, Thread, UUID.

Version 1.59.0

August 13th, 2015 15:23 GMT

New Libraries: Convert, Coroutine2. Updated Libraries: Container, Context, Coroutine, Fusion, Geometry, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical Cast, Log, Move, Multi-index Containers, Predef, Program Options, Property Tree, Test, TypeIndex, Variant.

Version 1.58.0

April 17th, 2015 07:53 GMT

New Libraries: Endian, Sort. Updated Libraries: Asio, Chrono, Container, Context, Conversion, DateTime, Flyweight, Function, Functional/Factory, Fusion, Geometry, Hash, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical Cast, Log, Math, Move, Multi-index Containers, Multiprecision, Optional, Phoenix, Predef, Random, Thread, TypeErasure, TypeIndex, Units, Unordered, Variant.

Version 1.57.0

November 3rd, 2014 21:55 GMT

Updated Libraries: Any, Asio, Circular Buffer, Config, Container, Coroutine, Flyweight, Geometry, Interprocess, Intrusive, Iterator, Lexical Cast, Math, Move, MultiArray, Multiprecision, Multi-Index Containers, Preprocessor, Thread, TypeIndex, TypeTraits, Units, Unordered, Utility, uBLAS.

Version 1.56.0

August 7th, 2014 16:08 GMT

New libraries: Align, TypeIndex. New modules from existing code: Assert, Core, Lexical_Cast, Throw_Exception. Updated libraries: Accumulators, Any, Asio, Assign, Atomic, Circular Buffer, Concept Check, Container, Context, Coroutine, Dynamic Bitset, Chrono, Flyweight, Fusion, Geometry, Hash, Interprocess, Intrusive, Log, Math, Move, MPL, MultiArray, Multi-index Containers, Multiprecision, Odeint, Optional, Predef, Preprocessor, Program Options, Regex, Smart Pointers, Thread, TTI, Unordered, Utility, UUID, Variant. Deprecated Libraries: TR1

Version 1.55.0

November 11th, 2013 19:50 GMT

New Libraries: Predef. Updated Libraries: Accumulators, Any, Asio, Atomic, Config, Chrono, Circular Buffer, Container, Context, Coroutine, Filesystem, Fusion, Geometry, Graph, Hash, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical Cast, Log, Math, Meta State Machine, Move, Multiprecision, Multi-index Containers, MPI, Phoenix, Polygon, PropertyMap, Rational, Thread, Timer, Type Traits, Unordered, Utility, Variant, Wave, xpressive.

Version 1.54.0

July 1st, 2013 17:10 GMT

Changes to supported CPUs. New Libraries: Log, TTI, Type Erasure. Updated Libraries: Accumulators, Algorithm, Any, Asio, Chrono, Circular Buffer, Container, Context, Coroutine, Geometry, Graph, Interprocess, Intrusive, Iostreams, Lexical Cast, Math, Meta State Machine, Move, Multiprecision, Polygon, Property Map, Range, Thread, Type Traits, uBLAS, Unordered, Utility, Variant, Wave, xpressive Deprecated Library: Signals.

Version 1.53.0

February 4th, 2013 18:29 GMT

New Libraries: Atomic, Coroutine, Lockfree, Multiprecision, Odeint. Updated Libraries: Algorithm, Array, Asio, Bimap, Chrono, Container, Context, Geometry, GIL, Graph, Hash, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical Cast, Locale, Math, MinMax, Move, Polygon, Random, Range, Ratio, Regex, Smart Pointers, StringAlgo, Thread, Utility, Unordered, Variant, Wave and xpressive.

Version 1.52.0

November 5th, 2012 16:05 GMT

Updated Libraries: Accumulators, Config, Chrono, Container, DateTime, Foreach, Function, Graph, Hash, Interprocess, Iterator, Lexical Cast, Math, Phoenix, Polygon, Proto, Ratio, Result_of, Thread, uBLAS, Unordered, Uuid, Wave, xpressive.

Version 1.51.0

August 20th, 2012 23:00 GMT

New Libraries: Context. Updated Libraries: Algorithm, Asio, Config, Chrono, Geometry, Graph, Hash, Lexical Cast, Math, MSM, Proto, Ratio, Regex, Thread, Unordered, Wave, xpressive

Version 1.50.0

June 28th, 2012 12:48 GMT

New Libraries: Algorithm, Functional/OverloadedFunction, LocalFunction, Utility/IdentityType. Updated Libraries: Accumulators, Array, Asio, Bimap, Chrono, Concept Check, Filesystem, Foreach, Graph, Geometry, Hash, Iostreams, Iterator, MultiArray, Lexical cast, Locale, MSM, Program Options, PropertyMap, Proto, Ratio, ScopeExit, Thread, Unordered, Wave, xpressive

Version 1.49.0

February 24th, 2012 21:20 GMT

New Library: Heap. Updated Libraries: Asio, Chrono, Container, Filesystem, Foreach, Geometry, Graph, Icl, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical Cast, Locale, Move, Property Tree, Proto, Spirit, Thread, Unordered, Uuid, xpressive.

Version 1.48.0

November 15th, 2011 15:47 GMT

New Libraries: Container, Locale, Move. Updated Libraries: Asio, Chrono, Config, Fusion, Geometry, Graph, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical cast, Math, MSM, Numeric Conversion, Proto, Regex, Spirit, TypeTraits, Unordered, Wave

Version 1.47.0

July 11th, 2011 22:19 GMT

New Libraries: Chrono, Geometry, Phoenix and Ratio. Updated Libraries: Accumulators, Asio, Config, DateTime, Dynamic Bitset, Foreach, Function, Function Types, Graph, Iostreams, Iterator, Lexical Cast, Logic, Math, Meta State Machine, MultiIndex, Proto, Random, Range, Spirit, Tokenizer, Utility, Uuid, Wave

Version 1.46.1

March 12th, 2011 15:45 GMT

Bug fixes: Asio, Fusion, Graph, Icl, Math, Polygon, Proto, Property Tree, Signals2, TR1, Unordered.

Version 1.46.0

February 21st, 2011 20:36 GMT

New Libraries: Icl. Updated Libraries: Array, Asio, Bind, Concept Check, Filesystem, Fusion, Hash, Iostreams, Iterator, Math, Meta State Machine, Optional, Pool, Program Options, Proto, Signals, Spirit, Tokenizer, Unordered, Wave. Updated Tools: Boostbook, Inspect, Quickbook.

Version 1.45.0

November 19th, 2010 16:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Asio, Config, Flyweight, Foreach, Fusion, Graph, Interprocess, Math, Meta State Machine, MultiArray, Proto, Spirit, TypeTraits, uBLAS, Unordered, Wave, Xpressive. Updated tools: Boostbook, Quickbook

Version 1.44.0

August 13th, 2010 17:00 GMT

New Libraries: Meta State Machine, Polygon. Updated Libraries: Accumulators, Asio, Config, Filesystem, Foreach, Fusion, Hash, Iostreams, Math, MPL, Multi-index Containers, Proto, Regex, Spirit, Thread, TR1, Type Traits, uBLAS, Utility, Uuid, Wave, Xpressive. Updates for Quickbook and Boostbook.

Version 1.43.0

May 6th, 2010 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Functional/Factory, Functional/Forward. Major Update: Range. Updated Libraries: Accumulators, Array, Asio, Fusion, Iostreams, Multi-index Containers, Proto, Random, Spirit, Thread, Unordered, Uuid, Wave, Xpressive. Also, updates to the build system and quickbook.

Version 1.42.0

February 2nd, 2010 14:00 GMT

New Libraries: Uuid. Updated Libraries: Asio, Circular Buffer, Fusion, Graph, Integer, Iostreams, Program.Options, PropertyMap, Proto, Regex, Spirit, Unordered, Xpressive.

Version 1.41.0

November 17th, 2009 17:00 GMT

New Library: Property Tree. Updated libraries: DateTime, Filesystem, Iostreams, Math, Multi-index Containers, Proto, Python, Regex, Spirit, System, Thread, Unordered, Utility, Wave, Xpressive. Updates to boost build and quickbook. The CMake build system for Boost, still under development here, has been removed from the main release to avoid confusion.

Version 1.40.0

August 27th, 2009 17:00 GMT

Build System improvements. Updated Libraries: Accumulators, Asio, Circular Buffer, Foreach, Function, Fusion, Graph, Hash, Interprocess, Intrusive, MPL, Program.Options, Property Map, Proto, Random, Serialization, Unordered, Xpressive.

Version 1.39.0

May 2nd, 2009 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Signals2. Updated Libraries: Asio, Flyweight, Foreach, Hash, Interprocess, Intrusive, Program.Options, Proto, PtrContainer, Range, Unordered, Xpressive. Updated Tools: Boostbook, Quickbook.

Version 1.38.0

February 8th, 2009 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Flyweight, ScopeExit, Swap. Updated Libraries: Accumulators, Any, Asio, Config, Date_Time, Exception, Filesystem, Graph, Hash, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical Cast, Math, Multi-index Containers, Proto, Regex, Thread, TR1, Type Traits, Unordered, Xpressive. Other Changes: Experimental CMake build system.

Version 1.37.0

November 3rd, 2008 12:00 GMT

New Library: Proto. Updated Libraries: Asio, Circular Buffer, Dynamic Bitset, Exception, Hash, Interprocess, Intrusive, Math, Type Traits, Unordered

Version 1.36.0

August 14th, 2008 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Accumulators, Exception, Units, Unordered. Updated Libraries: Asio, Assign, Circular Buffer, Foreach, Function, Hash, Interprocess, Intrusive, Math, Multi-index Containers, MPI, PtrContainer, Spirit, Thread, Wave, Xpressive.

Version 1.35.0

March 29th, 2008 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Asio, Bimap, Circular Buffer, Function Types, Fusion, GIL, Interprocess, Intrusive, Math/Special Functions, Math/Statistical Distributions, MPI, System. Updated Libraries: Graph, Hash, Iostreams, Multi Array, Multi-index Containers, Serialization, Thread, Wave, Xpressive.

Version 1.34.1

July 24th, 2007 12:00 GMT

Bugfix Release.

Version 1.34.0

May 12th, 2007 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Foreach, Statechart, TR1, Typeof, Xpressive. Updated Libraries: Assign, Date_time, Filesystem, Function, Hash, Graph, MultiArray, Multi-Index, Optional, Parameter, Pointer Container, Python, Signals, Smart Pointer, String Algorithm, Wave

Version 1.33.1

December 5th, 2006 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Any, Config, Python, Smart Pointer, Regex, Iostreams, Functional/Hash, Multi-index Containers, Graph, Signals, Thread, and Wave.

Version 1.33.0

August 11th, 2005 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Iostream, Hash, Parameter, Pointer Container, Wave. Updated Libraries: Any, Assignment, Bind, Date-Time, Graph, Multi-Index, Program Options, Property Map, Python, Random Number, Range, Regex, Serialization, Signals.

Version 1.32.0

November 19th, 2004 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Assignment, Minmax, Multi-Index, Numeric Conversion, Program Options, Range, Serialization, String, Tribool. Updated Libraries: Graph, MPL, Python, Signals, Utility, Test. Removed Libraries: Compose.

Version 1.31.0

January 26th, 2004 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: enable_if, Variant. Updated Libraries: Date Time, Filesystem, Iterator, MultiArray, Python, Random Number, Regex, Spirit, Test. Deprecated Libraries: Compose.

Version 1.30.2

August 19th, 2003 12:00 GMT

Bugfix release

Version 1.30.1

August 4th, 2003 12:00 GMT

Withdrawn bug fix release, fixes for Lambda, Spirit, MPL, Function, Config, Format, Regex, Smart Pointers, Python

Version 1.30.0

March 19th, 2003 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Filesystem, Optional, Interval, MPL, Spirit Updated Libraries: Smart Pointers, Utility, Date-Time, Function, Operators, Test

Version 1.29.0

October 10th, 2002 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Date-Time, Dynamic Bitset, Format. Updated Libraries: Function, Multi-Array, Preprocessor, Python, Signals, uBLASH.

Version 1.28.0

May 15th, 2002 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Lambda, I/O State Saver. Updated Libraries: Configuration, Random Number, Smart Pointers, Function Utility.

Version 1.27.0

February 5th, 2002 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Python, Integer, Function, Quaternions, Octonions, Smart Pointers, Preprocessor, Threads.

Version 1.26.0

November 30th, 2001 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Common Factor, Preprocessor. Updated Libraries: Iterator Adaptor, Random Number, Operators.

Version 1.25.1

November 5th, 2001 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Graph, Thread, Function.

Version 1.25.0

October 1st, 2001 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Thread, Bind. Updated Libraries: Utility, Array, Config, Random Number, Math, Tokenizer.

Version 1.24.0

August 19th, 2001 12:00 GMT

New Library: Tuple.

Version 1.23.0

July 6th, 2001 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Any, Function, Tokenizer, Special functions, Octonions, Quaternions. Updated Library: Smart Pointer.

Version 1.22.0

May 25th, 2001 12:00 GMT

New Libary: CRC. Updated Libraries: Graph, Integer, Regex, Smart Pointer, Utility.

Version 1.21.2

April 24th, 2001 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Compatibility. Updated Libraries: Random Number, Integer, Graph.

Version 1.21.1

March 14th, 2001 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Graph, Python, Regex.

Version 1.21.0

March 9th, 2001 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Iterator Adaptor, Pool, Test. Updated Libraries: Graph, Python, Regular Expression, Type Traits.

Version 1.20.2

February 10th, 2001 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Array traits, Graph, Integer, Random Number, Rational Number, Regular Expression, Smart Pointer, Timer.

Version 1.20.1

January 10th, 2001 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Compressed Pair, Graph Library, Regular Expression.

Version 1.20.0

January 6th, 2001 12:00 GMT

New Library: Conversion. Updated Libraries: Array, Graph, Regular Expression.

Version 1.19.0

December 10th, 2000 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Concept Check, Python, Static Assert, Property Map Concepts. Updated Libraries: Graph, Regular Expression.

Version 1.18.3

November 18th, 2000 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Graph, Regular Expression, Cast.

Version 1.18.2

November 3rd, 2000 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Case, Graph, Regular Expression, Configuration. Utility library split into separate libraries.

Version 1.18.1

October 15th, 2000 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Graph, Random, Regular Expression, Configuration.

Version 1.18.0

September 28th, 2000 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Graph, Regular Expression. Updated Libraries: Array, Functional, Utility, Integer.

Version 1.17.0

August 3rd, 2000 12:00 GMT

Added Library: Array. Updated Libraries: Array Traits, Random Number, Smart Pointer.

Version 1.16.1

July 5th, 2000 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Integer, Random Number, Cast, Call Traits, Operators.

Version 1.16.0

June 28th, 2000 12:00 GMT

New Libraries: Functional, iterator header, Updated Libraries: Random Number, Rational, Cast, Smart Pointer, Config.

Version 1.15.1

June 21st, 2000 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Cast, Operators, Config.

Version 1.15.0

June 17th, 2000 12:00 GMT

Added Library: Random Number. Updated Libraries: Utility, Config, Cast.

Version 1.14.3

May 29th, 2000 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Config, Type Traits.

Version 1.14.2

May 9th, 2000 12:00 GMT

Documentation updates.

Version 1.14.1

March 17th, 2000 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Rational, Smart Pointer, Call Traits, Compressed Pair, Type Traits.

Version 1.14.0

March 5th, 2000 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Integer. Experimental libraries moved to vault.

Version 1.13.0

February 29th, 2000 12:00 GMT

Added Libraries: Utility, Type Traits, Call Traits, Compressed Pair.

Version 1.12.0

February 23rd, 2000 12:00 GMT

Updated Library: Integer.

Version 1.11.2

February 21st, 2000 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Smart Pointer.

Version 1.11.1

February 2nd, 2000 12:00 GMT

Minor fix for cast.hpp.

Version 1.11.0

February 1st, 2000 12:00 GMT

New Library: Rational Number. Updated Libraries: Case, Config, Smart Pointer, Utility.

Version 1.10.4

December 31st, 1999 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Smart Pointer, Cast.

Version 1.10.3

December 30th, 1999 12:00 GMT

Updated Libraries: Compse, Operators, Cast, Config, Smart Pointer First release with a version number.

Old Versions

December 14th, 1999 12:00 GMT

Early releases of boost without version numbers.